Iran won’t be fooled by Zionist infiltration this time!

You’ve got to appreciate Iran.  Alert to the recent row over a spate of Mossad trained animals which were wrecking havoc from Egypt to Saudi Arabia, the Iranian regime led by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was clearly not going to be hoodwinked by attempts of the International Olympic Committee to insert pro-Israel messages into the upcoming 2012 London Games, and made sure to lodge an official protest over the cryptic Zionist icon in the official Olympic logo which, to the untrained eye, is an innocuous figure of the year of the games, 2012.


The official letter sent to the International Committee complained that:

“The design is considered to be a “disgraceful” reminder of the word “Zion”…We ask for your consideration of the following issue which if neglected, may have destructive effects on the future of sport…Using the word Zion in the logo of 2012 Olympic Games is a disgracing action and against Olympic’s valuable mottos.”

While it would be easy to mock the Iranians for their concern over the threat posed by Zionist infiltration of the Olympics – and indeed such mockery is the desired effect of this post – don’t be so quick to dismiss their concerns.

If you recall our post from November, Iranian government officials were apparently quite enraged by the revelation last year of a Star of David (below) appearing on the roof of the headquarters of Iran Air, the Islamic Republic’s national airline – constructed more than 30 years before the revelations!

In Iran’s defense, I suspect that, during the course of their national emergency following the above ideological breach – where, I suspect, the most advanced Iranian satellite technology (and Google Maps) was rushed into service to scour the vast Iranian landscape for similar architectural Judaization subterfuge its only natural that they are now less than trustful of even the most seemingly non-ideological icons.

A new Guardian expose on such “Secret Zionist Iconography”  – in partnership with PressTV – is no doubt in the planning stages.

(Update: Elder of Ziyon has more on this “developing story”, and even has a Zionist Olympics T-Shirt for sale!)

(Update 2: As Elder pointed out, the Iranians have this plot more fleshed out than I originally thought.  See the Olympic icon contorted into its proper shape:)

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