Join CiF Watch in battling Scottish Council’s Boycott of Israel

We’re pleased to see The Jewish Chronicle take note of our Twitter campaign aimed at ending the boycott of Israeli goods by West Dunbartonshire Council – one of the 32 local government council areas of Scotland.

Noted The JC:

“The New York-based CiF Watch website is leading a Twitter campaign against the authority and Cllr McColl, claiming the council was “racist” for singling out Israel for boycott action.”

For those of you active on Twitter, we ask that, if you haven’t already, please follow us and consider re-tweeting our Tweets.

Also, you can email one of the ardent defenders of the boycott, Council Member Jim Bolan.  As we noted yesterday (in a post that was mentioned in a story today in Ynet) Bolan has characterized Hamas as “Freedom Fighters”.

Here’s one of our recent Tweets about Mr. Bolan.

Our previous post contained the complete list of council emails.

Here’s a link to the Facebook page of West Dumbartonshire Council, where you can leave comments about the boycott.

Another chief defender of the boycott, Councillor McColl, has uploaded a video log. You can post comments on his blog

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