Confirmed: West Dunbartonshire Councillor Jim Bollan Did Correspond With “Hamas Supporter”

This is cross posted by Aussie Dave at Israellycool, regarding the email exchange (which both Israellycool and CiF Watch published) between Jim Bollan and someone he believed was a Hamas supporter:

Jim Bollan

Yesterday, I posted an email exchange purportedly between someone pretending to be a Hamas supporter, and West Dunbartonshire councilor Jim Bollan. The correspondence indicated that Bollan considered himself to be “a strong supporter” of Hamas, and would be willing to act against an organization for merely behaving in a “pro Zionist way.” Tellingly, it showed he accepted the most vile of antisemitic conspiracy theories, casting further aspersions on his motivations in wanting to ban books from Israel.

As many of you pointed out, there was no proof it was the real Jim Bollan, and I should exercise caution given my source was not a regular Israellycool reader.

It was a point well taken. I firstly contacted Bollan, to ask for his comment. He sent me the following weird response.

I already have.

Given I cannot find any record of a response from Bollan, whether it be on his blog or Twitter account, this was ostensibly not much help to me.

Except it did provide me with Bollan’s IP address: (confirmed to be in the UK).

In parallel I contacted my source ‘Mustaf”, who provided me with the header information of the mail from “Bollan”, which included the IP address:

Based on the almost identifcal IP addresses, I think it’s fair to conclude it really was Jim Bollan who corresponded with someone he thought was a Jew-hating Hamas supporter, and showed a willingness to act on his behalf.

As it turns out, he was really corresponding with someone who expressed these sentiments to me:

I’m helping you because vile antisemitism has no place in society and it is clear that is what is going on in West Dunbartonshire.  If it is left unchecked, it will spread like a cancer to the rest of Scotland and elsewhere.  The disguise of ‘anti-Israel’ or ‘anti-Zionist’ is used to fool people and try to seize some sort of moral high ground by the very people who should be the subject of widespread disgust – they are seeking to turn right into wrong and wrong into right.

Someone needs to take a stand and I’m taking one right here and right now.

Mustafa: thank you.

Jim Bollan: you are going down.

Update: It is not enough that the conduct of the councilors, including this latest example, remain on the blogs. Does anyone have any contacts in the mainstream media?

Update: In an email to me, Bollan has admitted to being the author of the mails. In fact, after I thanked him for clarifying he authored them, his response was:

“No problem Mr Zionist.”

Update: This Scottish Socialist Party Campsie branch member is claiming that my words “You are going down” were a threat of violence, despite the fact this is not at all the common meaning of those words, nor fits the context of my posts on this subject which encourages democratic ways to respond to the boycott. I also very clear to him what I meant.

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