Where in the world was Harriet Sherwood? Well beyond the 3 nautical mile limit from Gaza coast

This is posted by AKUS and Adam Levick (Margie and Israelinurse also contributed to the report)

Israelinurse, yesterday, commented on Harriet Sherwood’s participation in a blatant effort by anti-Israel activists to provoke the Israeli Navy into a dangerous confrontation.

Noted Israelinurse:

“Harriet Sherwood has been for a boat ride this morning. Not just any old boat ride, mind you, but one off the Gaza coast where it seems that four fishing boats, two press boats – one of which she calls “the Guardian boat” – and one NGO vessel met the Israeli navy.”

As she noted, regarding the the “humanitarian”, “NGO” Vessel:

“The ‘Olivia’ belongs to the Civil Peace Service Gaza:  the NGO with which murdered activist Vittorio Arrigoni operated.  CPSGAZA was set up by a collection of anti-Israel activist groups including the International Solidarity Movement, Codepink, European Jews for a Just Peace (headed by Dror Feiler), ‘Free Gaza’ and the Popular Struggle Co-ordination Committee, all of which are committed to bringing about Israel’s demise.

Sherwood’s Tweets from the boat included this:

Then after subsequent Tweets where she noted that the Israeli Navy was firing (Water Cannons) at the “Human Rights Boat”, she asked:

Well, Harriet. For one, based on your own coordinates you were well beyond the 3 mile limit imposed on vessels – a restriction, it should be noted, consistent with Israel’s legal blockade, enforced to prevent terrorists from smuggling weapons, explosives and other contraband into the region. 

Plugging in Sherwood’s coordinates into Google Earth (with a little creative assistance from Akus) produced this.


So, even assuming the measurement was in ground miles, 4.7 miles is still almost exactly 4 nautical miles – well outside the 3-mile limit she knew was being enforced, and therefore actively participated in a dangerous provocation which could have caused a potentially fatal incident.

However, all the IDF did to get the boats to return to shore was fire water cannons and, as Sherwood herself put it, they also “circled [the boats] to create continuous waves and noise.” 

We simply can’t wait to read Sherwood’s post on the incident – what will surely be a gripping and horrific tale of a simply ruthless Israeli Navy who employed sadistic, Zionist methods of coercion such as water, waves, and noise!

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