Ask Facebook to remove following ‘Hate Israel’ page, which is a clear violation of FB ‘terms of service’

The demonization of Israel through the social media is a thriving industry. Both on Twitter and Facebook, there are no shortage of users who spend their days spreading hate and vitriol (often including implicit, and sometimes explicit, calls for violence against Israelis).

Here’s one Facebook page advancing the cause of anti-Zionism, and expressions of hate towards Israelis, which hasn’t come close to reaching its goal of 100 million supporters, but has still garnered nearly 30,000 “Likes”.

The page includes this video.


As if there was any doubt as to the goal of these “activists”, those commenting on the wall include NoIsrael# next to their name.

Here’s a subtle message conveyed by a subscriber to the page:

I reported the page to Facebook as a clear violation of their terms of service, particularly this passage:

You will not post content that: is hateful, threatening, or incites violence

So, far the page has still not been removed, so please consider reporting it, by going to the left hand side of the site, and clicking the “Report Page” link. 

Finally, here’s a screen capture from one scene in the video above.

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