BBC stays mum on situation in southern Israel

Overnight, the security situation in southern Israel – which began to deteriorate once again on Tuesday – has become more acute, with dozens of rockets being fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli civilian communities. 

According to the latest reports at the time of writing, some 50 missiles have hit Israel since midnight last night – around forty of them between 6:58 am and 7:15 am. Three Thai farm workers have been injured – two of them seriously. Several houses in rural communities surrounding the Gaza Strip have sustained damage and school has been cancelled in the area. 

The ‘Iron Dome’ defence system has intercepted around seven missiles aimed at the town of Ashkelon and the IDF has managed to target several rocket-firing squads inside the Gaza Strip. 

There is, so far, no mention of any of the above events on the BBC News website. The BBC World Service’s news broadcast at 06:30 GMT (08:30 local time) did not report them either. 


The BBC has apparently woken up. Its headline?


Here is the BBC’s report.

According to updated reports from the IDF, the number of rockets which have hit Israel in the past few hours is now 68. 

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