Before and after: BBC article corrected

A correction has been made to an article appearing in the Middle East section of the BBC News website following a complaint by a reader.

On December 30th 2012 an article was published concerning the import of building materials into the Gaza Strip via Egypt. As BBC Watch noted at the time, the article stated that: 

  ”A convoy of trucks carrying thousands of tonnes of supplies donated by the Gulf state of Qatar entered Gaza via the Rafah border crossing on Saturday.

Egypt had previously followed import restrictions imposed by Israel.” [emphasis added]

Gaza construction convoy

Following the reader’s complaint, a correction was made by the Middle East desk of the BBC News website and the relevant section now reads:

“A convoy of trucks carrying thousands of tonnes of supplies donated by the Gulf state of Qatar entered Gaza via the Rafah border crossing on Saturday.

Egypt had previously kept the crossing closed to cargo, while Israel also maintained heavy restrictions.”

Correction Egypt

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