More criticism of BBC’s Assad propaganda headline

Writing in the May 9th edition of the Jerusalem Post magazine on the subject of the BBC’s (since amended) headline of May 5th in which it was claimed “Israeli strikes on Syria ‘co-ordinated with terrorists'”, London-based barrister and writer Jeremy Brier remarked:

“The pertinent question for British license-fee payers is: why is the state broadcaster taking a mass murderer at his word and why is it emphasizing his propaganda like this?” 


“But there is a second, subtler irony in all this. The BBC has long since refused to use the word “terrorism” to describe the acts of those who blow up Israelis in pizza shops, nightclubs and bus-stops. Those guys are “militants”. It seems you can only get the BBC to use the T-word when it comes from the mouth of a tyrant.”

Read the rest here.  


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