Tripod: CAMERA links in 3 languages, Aug. 16-19: BBC Watch, In Focus, Presspectiva, & ReVista

Our daily roundup of posts from CAMERA affiliated sites:

BBC’s Knell reports on prisoner release without mentioning their crimes
What are the millions of viewers of BBC television news being told about the recent early release of 26 Palestinian prisoners? . (BBC Watch)

BBC report on prisoner release is mostly about something else
Once again, the BBC shoehorns the subject of building tenders into a report ostensibly about another subject altogether . (BBC Watch)

Magic Carpet Ride: Yemen to Israel
Jews from Yemen continue to seek refuge in Israel. (In Focus)

The unbearable lightness of journalism
The Spanish news agency, Europa Press, has decided that the Israeli version is unnecessary. Even when reporting about the peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

Collection of Corrections From Around The World
A Hebrew collection of worldwide newspaper corrections from. the previous week. (Presspectiva)

Indy’s Matt Hill engages in cynical smear about Netanyahu and the Rabin murder.
The Independent published a commentary by Matt Hill which included a completely baseless accusation against Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. (CiF Watch)

Middle East headlines in the Spanish speaking press
UN’s opinión about the peace talks and turmoil in the Sinai, Egypt, centered the attention of the press. (ReVista de Medio Oriente)

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More from Adam Levick
At least a few Egyptian protesters clearly read the Guardian
H/T Gili Brenner I’m glad these anti-Mubarak protesters have their priorities straight.  Their movement...
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