Here is a clip (apologies for the sound quality) from a programme broadcast on the BBC News channel in the early hours (UK time) of April 2nd 2014 and sent to us via a reader.
The identity of the interviewee apparently discussing the Palestinian Authority’s recent application to join assorted UN agencies is unknown to us – if readers recognise him, please tell us in the comments below – but his unchallenged employment of an antisemitic slur is notable.
“One thing which struck me when I used to work in Washington – when I used to work in Congress – is just how influential the Israeli lobby is. Now we all know that – how influential AIPAC is: a role model for lobbying and taking control of a foreign government effectively in terms of the US.”
Notably, the programme’s presenters have no comment to make regarding the claim that an American pro-Israel organisation has “effectively” taken “control” of a “foreign government” other than the female host’s “alright”.
The EUMC working definition of antisemitism includes the following:
“Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective — such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.”
Obviously BBC News presenters remain in dire need of a refresher course on anti-Jewish racism if the BBC is to avoid being party to the propagation of antisemtic slurs.