Earlier today, we noted that the Indy responded to our complaint and corrected a passage in a June 15th article, about the three Israeli youths abducted by Palestinian terrorists on Thursday night, which falsely characterized the teenage victims as “settlers”.
And, about an hour ago, the Guardian responded to our complaint about an article by Peter Beaumont – that we posted about yesterday – claiming that the Jewish victims were “teenage settlers”, and agreed to revise the passage (and headline) in question.
Here’s the original Guardian headline:
Here’s the original opening passage:
Now, here’s the revised headline:
Here’s the revised opening passage:
Additionally, the article now includes the following addendum:
Though we commend Guardian editors for the correction, as we argued in our original post, the term ‘settler’ is typically loaded with pejorative connotations, and its use in the context of Beaumont’s article about Israeli children abducted by terrorists raises troubling questions about the media’s group’s continuing pattern of blurring straight news and political agitprop.
Related articles
- Guardian refers to Israelis kidnapped by terrorists as “teenage settlers” (cifwatch.com)
- CiF Watch complaint to PCC prompts Guardian to begrudgingly revise Rachel Corrie op-ed (cifwatch.com)
- British paper legitimizes lie that Female Genital Mutilation is practiced by Jews (cifwatch.com)
- CiF Watch prompts Indy correction – acknowledges that Arab towns were built since ’48 (cifwatch.com)