BBC Monitoring amplifies Iranian Charlie Hebdo conspiracy theory

On January 8th the BBC News website published an article titled “Charlie Hebdo attack: World press united in defiance” in which BBC Monitoring presented a round-up of media reactions to the previous day’s terror attack in Paris, opening thus:Monitoring Hebdo

“Newspapers around the world have united in defiance against the attack on French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

In Arab countries, some papers wonder whether the West has done enough to counter the spread of such terror attacks.

Some papers in Muslim countries fear an anti-Islam backlash in Europe.”

The article highlights the reactions in some newspapers in France, Germany, Spain, Italy and Russia before moving on to the Turkish and Arabic language print media. Towards the end of the article the Iranian press is reviewed and the writer and editor of the report found it appropriate to include the following: 

Monitoring Hebdo 2

Yes, really: somebody at the BBC News website found that ridiculous conspiracy theory newsworthy and fit for amplification to audiences worldwide. 

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