Guardian/AFP gets it wrong on Palestinian victims of Jewish terror

CAMERA’s Israel office recently prompted a correction at Times of Israel to an article which erroneously claimed that Muhammed Abu Khdeir was the first Arab killed by Jews to be included in a monument for terror victims on Jerusalem’s Mount Herzl national cemetery.
Our CAMERA colleagues pointed out the following:

A brief search reveals that there are at least two more Arabs killed by Jews whose names appear on the Har Herzl memorial. They areMichael Bachut, 55, of Shfaram, shot to death on Aug. 4, 2005 by Eden Natan Zada (plaque 63 on the memorial) and Hamis Eyob 32, of Shuafat in Jerusalem, murdered by Jewish passengers in his taxi April 23, 1985 (plaque 50).
In addition, Muhammed Abed Rabba, 23, of Tsur Bachar, in Jerusalem, killed April 25, 2002, by Israeli soldiers who mistakenly thought him suspicious, also appears on the Herzl memorial for terror victims (plaque 72). And, Samir Akram Balbisi was killed by Jack Teitel in 1997.
Today, April 22, The Guardian published an AFP story (Palestinian boy’s name erased from Jerusalem memorial wall), about a request by the parents of Abu Khdeir to erase his name from the memorial, which included the same error.

Here’s the relevant passage from the Guardian/AFP article:

Mohammed Abu Khdeir was kidnapped and burned to death last July, a day after the burial of three Israeli youths kidnapped and murdered by Palestinians from Hebron. Although a number of Arab names are on the wall, it was believed to be the first time the name of a Palestinian killed by Jewish Israelis had been listed.

As with the initial version of the Times of Israel article, The Guardian/AFP got it wrong.  We’ve contacted Guardian editors and will update this post when we receive a reply.
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