How many firebomb attacks on a Jewish home does it take for the UK media to notice?

How many firebomb attacks on a Jewish home in Jerusalem does it take for the UK media to take notice?

How about 15?

Indeed, that’s the number of times three families living in a building in the southeast Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatziv (East Talpiot) – bordering the Arab neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber – were firebombed over the course of ten days earlier this month according to a Jerusalem official we spoke to at a press briefing today, as well as the testimony of one of the occupants.

Here’s the resident we spoke to at the briefing, 42-year-old Gill Schecter.

42-year-old Gill Schecter.

Here’s one of the homes in the three home building.


This is the fence, adjacent to Schecter’s home, that Jerusalem authorities erected just a few weeks ago in response to the spate of firebomb attacks. 


Schecter told us that one of the attacks on his home occurred on the same day in late July that Jewish terrorists murdered several members of a Palestinian family in the town of Duma.  Fortunately, residents were able to put out the fire and nobody was injured.  Schechter has four children, ages 4 to 16, and he feels extremely fortunate that his family has thus far escaped unscathed. 

As Elder of Ziyon noted recently, the Israelis living in this one structure in Jerusalem aren’t alone. Such Palestinian firebomb attacks are ordinary occurrences according to figures published by the Shin Bet.

Though the Israeli media have covered the string of attacks in Armon Hanatziv, we were unable to find any reports in the British press on this unrelenting Palestinian terror.

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