BBC’s Israel headline writing style moves to Germany

h/t GS

The purpose of a headline is to give audiences an idea of the main points of the news story they are about to read or hear but as Israelis know only too well, BBC News website headlines sometimes create more confusion than clarity.

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After news broke of a bombing attack in Ansbach, Germany, on the evening of July 24th, the BBC News website promoted its much amended report on the issue using the misleading headline “Syrian migrant dies in German blast” even though – as the sub-heading shows – at the time of writing the BBC was well aware of the fact that the “German blast” had been caused by the “Syrian migrant”.

Bavaria attack orig

That headline was later changed to read “Syrian blows himself up in Germany”. Whether or not the previous version will once again be attributed to a “mistake of a junior editor” remains to be seen.  




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