Fourth missile attack against Israel in three weeks ignored by BBC News

In the early hours of the morning of February 27th a missile was fired into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip.

“A rocket fired from Gaza struck an open field in southern Israel early Monday morning, causing neither damage nor injury, the army said.

The rocket hit the Sha’ar Hanegev region, northeast of the Gaza Strip, the military said.

It was launched shortly before 4:15 a.m., according to the Israel Defense Forces.”bbc-arabic-missile-27-2

Several hours later Israel responded with strikes on Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip.

There was no coverage of the missile attack whatsoever on the BBC News English language website but – in line with the pattern of reporting seen regularly over the last two years – later on the afternoon of February 27th, Israel’s response was reported in an article titled “Israeli fighter jets bombed positions of the militants in the Gaza Strip” on the BBC Arabic website.

Since the beginning of the year – and this month – four missile attacks against Israel have taken place – two from Gaza and two from Sinai – none of which have been reported by the BBC’s English language services. Throughout 2016 just one of ten attacks received BBC coverage in English.

It is of course difficult to believe that had four separate missile attacks on British territory taken place in a three-week period, the BBC would have ignored the story.


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BBC News continues to ignore Gaza missile attacks – in English

BBC News again ignores a missile attack on Israel

BBC News disregards Sinai missile attack once again

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