UKMW prompts another media outlet to admit that Tel Aviv is not Israel’s capital

For the sixth time in a little more than a  year, UK Media Watch has prompted a UK media correction to a false claim or suggestion that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel.  

For the sixth time in little more than a  year, we’ve prompted a UK media correction to a false claim or suggestion that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. The latest example pertains to a July 21st article in The Indepedent, written by Bethan McKernan, which focused on Tunisia’s banning of the film Wonder Woman starring Israeli actress Gal Gadot.

The passage in question was highlighted in a UKMW tweet sent to McKernan alerting her of the error.

We followed up our tweet with an email to Indy editors, which eventually resulted in a correction.

Here’s the revised passage.:

In 2012, the Press Complaints Commission ruled that – regardless of issues pertaining to diplomatic recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital – it is wrong to grant Tel Aviv that designation.

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