Earlier this year we noted the apparent intention of the new BBC Board to hold a public consultation concerning the corporation’s complaints system.
That public consultation is now underway and members of the public can make submissions until August 16th.
“The BBC aims to resolve complaints fairly, quickly and satisfactorily. We are required by the Charter to have a complaints framework that provides “transparent, accessible, effective, timely and proportionate methods” of making sure that the BBC is meeting its obligations and fixing problems.
Since April the BBC has operated with an interim Complaints Framework, published on the BBC’s complaints website. The Framework reflects the new governance and regulatory arrangements that came into effect in April 2017. Under these arrangements, the BBC Board has oversight of the complaints process and Ofcom is the independent regulator for most types of BBC complaints.
The Framework sets out the BBC’s approach and the procedures for handling different types of complaints, from editorial to regulatory, so that everyone who wants to make a complaint – whether as an individual or on behalf of an organisation – knows what to expect.
As the Charter requires the BBC to publicly consult on the Framework before it is finalised, we have opened a consultation which will run until mid-August.”
The interim Complaints Framework is available here.
Guidance for those wishing to make a submission is available here and includes the following:
“Specifically we are seeking views on whether they [the draft framework and procedures]:
- Seem readily available, easy to understand and accessible.
- Make clear and give sufficient information to those who complain what they can expect from the BBC and how to appeal, including whether they are clear on timeframes.
- Make clear the roles and responsibilities of the BBC and Ofcom and the circumstances under which complaints can be referred to Ofcom (or to other relevant bodies) by complainants.
- Seem fair to those who might wish to make a complaint.
- Seem proportionate, balancing the cost to licence fee payers of handling complaints with the need to give people who complain a proper hearing.”
Those wishing to make a submission should send it by email to:
or by post to:
BBC Corporate Affairs, Room 5045, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London W1A 1AA.
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BBC to review its complaints system again