Israeli diplomat slams the Guardian for calling Hamas border protests “peaceful”.

When facts are ignored in favour of a fictitious narrative in which ‘brutal’ Israel is cowing the people of Gaza ‘into submission’, truth is sacrificed upon the altar of storytelling.

In an op-ed at the Jewish News published yesterday, Udi Avivi, Spokesperson for the Israeli Embassy in London, slammed the Guardian’s coverage of Palestinian riots along the Gaza border.

Some media outlets have curiously glossed over essential elements of this story. This was epitomised in a Guardian editorial published on 23 April that declared: ‘The jury is still out as to how long Hamas’s patronage will allow the protests to remain peaceful.’

Considering that rioters have deliberately and consistently initiated violence, the word ‘peaceful’ cannot possibly be used to describe events on the Israel-Gaza border.

When facts are ignored in favour of a fictitious narrative in which ‘brutal’ Israel is cowing the people of Gaza ‘into submission’, truth is sacrificed upon the altar of storytelling.

80% of the Gazans confirmed to have been killed in clashes have already been identified as activists within terrorist organisations such as Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and others.  

This fact alone should cause the Guardian to reflect carefully on the true nature of these riots, rather than expressing solidarity with those whom it has inaccurately portrayed as protesting peacefully.

Read the rest of the op-ed here.

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