UKMW prompts Daily Mail correction to claim Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site

As we've demonstrated on numerous occasions whilst prompting corrections at multiple British media outlets, the Temple Mount is the most sacred location for Jews.  The Western Wall is merely the most sacred place where Jews are currently permitted to pray.

A Feb. 13th article at the Daily Mail about a luxury Israeli hotel that’s a short walk from Jerusalem’s Old City included the claim that the Western Wall is Judaism’s holiest site.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Western Wall, the hotel seems to say (you can see the Old City from the roof terrace). As the last remaining wall of the Second Temple, this is the most sacred location for Jews.  

This is not accurate – a point we’ve demonstrated on numerous occasions whilst prompting corrections at multiple British media outlets. The Temple Mount is the most sacred location for Jews.  The Western Wall is merely the most sacred place where Jews are currently permitted to pray.

We contacted editors, who upheld our complaint and revised the sentence accordingly:

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Western Wall, the hotel seems to say (you can see the Old City from the roof terrace). As the last remaining wall of the Second Temple, this is the most sacred location where Jews are currently permitted to pray.
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