If the 280-page report published by Amnesty International accusing Israel of ‘apartheid’ was a person, we’d have to say that he doesn’t have an honest bone in his body.
Whilst both the Economist and Freedom House have assessed the Jewish state as a liberal democracy, with the former ranking Israel’s democracy score higher than even the United States, Amnesty, like other so-called human rights organizations which have embraced the radical left’s malign obsession with Israel, offered what can fairly be described as a conclusion in search of evidence.
Their report is so riddled with errors of omission, fact, law and basic logic that not even the New York Times – which routinely attacks Israel’s very legitimacy – has deemed it ‘fit to print’.
Read the rest of the post at Times of Israel
Would Camera investigate AI’s accounts to interestingly reveal their source of income ?
For sure there will be an Islamist source followed by multiple fake charities and shell institutions doing plenty of laundering.