BBC Radio 4’s ‘Feedback’ returns

Readers who use Twitter may have noticed recent promotion of the long-running Radio 4 programme ‘BBC Feedback’ which, after a hiatus, now has a new production company, a new presenter and a new series.

That programme is described as “the programme that holds the BBC to account on behalf of the radio audience” and the new presenter Andrea Catherwood stated:

“I’m here to represent you […] and, importantly, to hold the BBC to account on your behalf.”

The programme’s website states:

“Feedback is about what the listening public thinks and there are lots of you whose opinions we would like to know. Email enables us to communicate quickly with those of you with relevant knowledge or views on given stories as and when appropriate. It might be on the day as a broadcasting issue unfolds, or in the run-up to an something we know we want to cover, or on a topic bubbling away under the surface. We may invite you to visit part of the BBC, join a discussion with a BBC executive or just be prepared to have your views recorded as part of the programme.”

Those interested in using this way of making their opinions on domestic BBC radio programmes known can find contact details here.


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