Guardian corrects error about Arab-Israelis and the IDF

A Guardian review, by Matthew Reisz, of a book about Israel written by NY Times correspondent Isabel Kershner (“The Land of Hope and Fear by Isabel Kershner review – how Israel betrayed its high ideals”, Aug 6) included the following:

Since Arab-Israelis don’t serve in the IDF and the ultra-Orthodox have always enjoyed exemptions, demographics also spell the end of “the cherished, sacrosanct ideal of the People’s Army”.

We complained to editors, noting that Arab-Israelis – though not required to enlist – do in fact serve in the IDF, and have been doing so in greater numbers.

Our complaint was upheld, and the sentence revised accordingly:

Since Arab-Israelis are not required to serve in the IDF and the ultra-Orthodox have always enjoyed exemptions, demographics also spell the end of “the cherished, sacrosanct ideal of the People’s Army”.

The following addendum was added at the bottom of the piece:

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  1. says: Grimey

    The Grauniad prints any lie that might harm Israel – and comes up with a late apology only if caught out. It is the most antisemitic rag on the planet.

  2. says: Andria Spindel

    Too bad the Guardian has no grammarian on staff. It should read, rather than “their” not “them” being required .. and it is still a biased statement. What in the world is their concept of a “people’s army,” that of China?

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