BBC News silent on Palestinian incitement and Gaza rioting

Six months ago CAMERA UK secured a very belated correction from the BBC concerning a deliberately false claim about arson at the Al Aqsa Mosque in 1969 that was made by the PLO’s representative in London during an interview on BBC Radio 4:


August 21st marked the fifty-fourth anniversary of that incident perpetrated by a mentally ill Australian Christian and, as documented by the ITIC, Palestinian officials exploited the occasion for the promotion of propaganda and incitement.

The ITIC also documented a related event held at the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel which featured speakers from Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and continued with violent rioting.

However, those attacks with pre-prepared IEDs and attempted infiltrations into Israeli territory – as well as the incitement behind them – were not considered at all newsworthy by journalists at the BBC’s Gaza or Jerusalem bureaus.


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