Sky News corrects false claim on Hamas rocket attack. Revision introduces new distortion.

Following our complaint, Sky News amended the headline and text of an article which erroneously characterised Hamas’s rocket attack on Israel yesterday as the first such attack in months.

As we noted, it was the first attack on Central Israel in “months”, not the “first attack on Israel” in that time.  In fact, the terror group has continually been launching deadly projectiles at Israel, included a recent volley aimed at the Rafah humanitarian aid crossing.

Sky also deleted the original tweet about the incident, and updated the report it linked to, which now includes information on the IDF’s counter-attack against Hamas targets, and clarifies that the rocket fire from Gaza was the first such attack on the Tel Aviv area in months.

Here, you can see that the original URL, with the false claim, from the updated report.

Though we welcome the correction, the updated report introduces more distorted coverage, framing as a fact the initial Hamas accusation that an IDF attack that killed two Hamas terrorists resulted in the deaths of more than three dozen Palestinians.  The IDF is currently investigating the incident, which, contrary to claim by the Red Crescent quoted in the article, apparently did not strike the humanitarian safe zone.

As we’ve continually demonstrated, Sky News has been among the worst British outlets in reporting on the war – competing with the Guardian in the egregious anti-Israel bias routinely displayed in covering the aftermath of the Hamas’s massacre, the worst antisemitic atrocity since the Holocaust.

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