Africa starves while international community continues to lavish aid on Gaza

A guest post by AKUS

Starvation of biblical proportions is sweeping across Africa. The pictures, like this one, are horrifying:

( Washington Post: U.N.: Famine in Somalia is killing tens of thousands)

But Gaza gets the food, the flotillas, and the boundless sympathy of the champagne humanitarians.

It is more than time to shut down UNRWA and send the food to those who really need it – not that crowd of world-class spongers:

Elder also recently posted this graph, indicating the top recipients of humanitarian aid between 2000-2009:

Elder noted:

In absolute terms, Sudan receives the most aid and “Palestine” the second most (the gap is narrowing in recent years.)  But on a per-capita basis, the Palestinian Arabs receive about 9 times as much aid as the Sudanese do, and of course far more aid per capita than any other people on the planet.

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