‘Comment is Free’ reader’s 2 minutes of anti-Zionist hate

H/T Margie

Here’s a ‘Comment is Free’ reader comment in response to an essay, by Hadi Kahalzadeh and John Schiemann, titled “For Iran, sanctions are a price worth paying to preserve the Islamic Republic“, July 1.

So, here’s a brief summary of the charges:

  • Israel is an ethnicist [sic] apartheid state.
  • Israel continually attacks, terrorizes, and murders thousands in several Muslim nations, including women and children.
  • Israel nearly committed genocide.
  • Israel threatens world peace.

This may have set a record for volume of anti-Zionist hate per line.

But, perhaps we can take solace in the fact that, at the very least, this commenter is “no fan of Ahmadinejad”. 

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