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A comparison from hell

“The problem from hell.” – Samantha Powers’ characterization of genocide in the 20th century. Israel-Nazi Comparison: Robin Shepherd, in 2009, wrote: “Attempts in Europe…

Why wasn’t this deleted?

The recent CiF piece by Robert Spencer (which never once mentions Jews or Judaism), elicits this completely off-topic, silly, and juvenile thinly-veiled attack on the…

Why was this deleted?

On the Howard Jacobson thread, there was this comment, which mocked Nick Cohen’s take-down of Jews who score cultural points by expressing their “shame”…

Why were these deleted?

Nick Cohen’s piece at CiF, “Howard Jacobson offers a contrary voice in the arts” – which argued that Jacobson’s satire “The Finkler Question”, which…

2010 or 1938?

Here’s the Guardian’s celebratory depiction of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s welcome in Lebanon recently. This is from another publication: Such photos, of tyrants who incite genocide against…