Ben White
January 21, 2018
Ben White tries to refute fact that 99% of Palestinian “refugees” are NOT real refugees
December 19, 2016
Indy poll falsely suggests that UK gov’t views mere Israel criticism as antisemitic
December 13, 2016
Indy op-ed on UK position that ‘Opposing Israel’s existence = antisemitism’ penned by guy opposed to Israel’s existence
November 18, 2016
21 Questions for Anti-Israel Activist Ben White
October 26, 2016
The Indy, Ben White and charges of Israeli racism towards….Babylonians and Ancient Romans?
October 5, 2016
BBC WS breaches impartiality guidelines with Ben White interview on Peres
January 31, 2016
Richard Millett queries Israeli Arab MK at London event through torrent of abuse.
December 8, 2015
Is it possible to understand Ben White’s view that the Guardian is biased against Palestinians?
September 10, 2015