Channel 4 News
April 21, 2019
Channel 4 News levels baseless charge that Israeli politician used “racist tropes”
November 11, 2018
Channel 4 News fails to challenge anti-Israel lies by Congresswoman-Elect Rashida Tlaib
May 15, 2018
Channel 4 News suggests Israel’s to blame for Gaza woman abusing her daughter
June 29, 2017
Guardian columnist suggests that Israel’s defenders are akin to climate change deniers.
March 15, 2017
Channel 4 News fails to challenge Palestinian claim on Jerusalem eviction
March 7, 2017
Art at Banksy’s Bethlehem Hotel gives lie to media claim he merely seeks ‘dialogue’
April 27, 2016
On Channel 4 News, Malia Bouattia again justifies Palestinian terrorism (Video)
February 17, 2016
Why BDS activist Malia Bouattia couldn’t answer Jon Snow’s question on Israel boycott
September 2, 2015