Elder of Ziyon
December 1, 2011
What the Guardian won’t report: Moderate Kuwaiti cleric calls Jews “scum of mankind”, “apes & pigs”
July 25, 2011
What would a Palestinian Arab State mean? (Elder of Ziyon video)
July 20, 2011
Gaza “Humanitarian Crisis” Update: Another Mall opens in Gaza City with boutique stores, restaurants and a cinema
June 30, 2011
All Dutch reporters have now quit the flotilla. Additional terrorist affiliations of flotilla organizers revealed
June 29, 2011
The Guardian’s bias in covering Sheikh Raed Salah
June 19, 2011
1960’s style video of Mavi Marmara “peace activists” (The ‘Elder of Ziyon’ video)
May 13, 2011
Israel at 63: This is Zionism
May 11, 2011
Elder of Ziyon’s Twitter thread with professional Israel hater, Ben White
April 29, 2011