October 6, 2016
BBC Trending presents Palestinian incitement as ‘narrative’
September 27, 2016
Two egregious omissions illustrate continued anti-Israel bias at the Independent
September 20, 2016
BBC still portraying incitement as an ‘Israel says’ story
July 19, 2016
Poor BBC reporting on Palestinian incitement again mars audience understanding
May 9, 2016
Robert Fisk praises extremist who called Zionists “Nazis with beards and black hats”.
January 13, 2016
BBC World Service continues to promote the fiction of an Israeli ‘book ban’
October 7, 2015
BBC Technology report on Facebook satellite plans omits Israeli aspect
September 25, 2015
What you won’t read at the Guardian about the exploitation of the Tamimi children
July 11, 2015