June 19, 2017
Hezbollah humiliated on streets of London as their Al Quds Day protest is blocked by pro-Israel activists.
July 5, 2016
Evening Standard obscures anti-Zionist extremism in London with Jewish fig leaf
May 25, 2016
UK Media Watch prompts Indy correction to Imad Mughniyeh assassination claim
May 9, 2016
Robert Fisk praises extremist who called Zionists “Nazis with beards and black hats”.
May 4, 2016
The problem of antisemitism is not invented by Jews to smear the left
April 1, 2016
Guardian editor Katharine Viner reveals* origins of paper’s anti-Israel agenda
February 18, 2016
Arab buildings vs Israeli lives: An example of selective media outrage
February 16, 2016
Guardian cartoon against UK boycott ban intellectually misappropriates George Orwell
January 8, 2016