April 11, 2013
The Guardian’s Seumas Milne cynically exploits a Holocaust survivor
April 9, 2013
Attacks against Jews on Yom HaShoah follow traditional antisemitic path
April 8, 2013
Letter to Iain Banks on the eve of Yom HaShoah
April 8, 2013
Holocaust Remembrance Day in Jerusalem
March 27, 2013
Glenn Greenwald airbrushes the bigotry and extremism of Noam Chomsky
March 14, 2013
The antisemitic reflex: A Jew-baiting Tweet by the Guardian’s Michael White
March 11, 2013
Over 100 reader comments using the term “ZioNazi” not deleted at ‘Comment is Free’
February 16, 2013
David Ward’s Bulldozer
February 10, 2013