December 29, 2013
The Guardian whitewashes antisemitism of Nicolas Anelka pal, Dieudonné
December 23, 2013
Guess which British journalist re-tweeted Gilad Atzmon?
October 23, 2013
Towards a new ‘liberation theology’: Will progressives ever learn to embrace Jewish success?
October 6, 2013
More evidence the Guardian got it wrong on Rouhani’s “Holocaust” remarks
October 3, 2013
Robert Fisk unleashes characteristic fabrications and hyperbole about Israel
October 1, 2013
Guardian engages in Rouhani Revisionism in report on “Holocaust” remarks
September 29, 2013
Buried by the Guardian: The extremism of Hassan Rouhani
September 20, 2013
BBC presents airbrushed picture of Rouhani NBC interview
September 20, 2013