John Whitbeck
July 25, 2011
U.S. “slavish subservience to Israel” Update
May 29, 2011
Guardian reader off-topic anti-Israel hate of the day
May 1, 2011
CiF contributor & anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist advising UN on recognition of a Palestinian State
February 2, 2011
At least a few Egyptian protesters clearly read the Guardian
January 18, 2011
The Guardian admits error, but still remains clueless about the danger of Judeophobic invectives
January 12, 2011
The Guardian and America’s “slavish subservience” to Israel
December 30, 2010
John Whitbeck, CiF columnist and 9/11 truther, reveals his vision for mankind: A world without Zionism
December 29, 2010