Palestinian territories

November 16, 2015
Adoration of the Palestinians: Guardian cartoon shows Boris Johnson tackling baby Jesus

October 27, 2015
Guardian publishes pro-BDS ad by privileged Britons hostile to #Israel’s existence

October 21, 2015
Guardian piles on Bibi historical distortion – omits Erekat lie that Palestinians fought Nazis

October 4, 2015
Guardian gives more credibility to Palestinian hoax than the Palestinians themselves

September 16, 2015
Contrary to UK media claims, there are NO Israeli restrictions on stethoscopes entering Gaza

September 4, 2015
How the Guardian inserts ‘the occupation’ into even the most mundane Palestinian acts

August 30, 2015
Telegraph and Daily Mail retreat in face of Pallywood story about child ‘activist’

July 30, 2015
Financial Times perpetuates the myth of “sealed off” Gaza

July 14, 2015