Rachel Corrie
April 1, 2016
Guardian editor Katharine Viner reveals* origins of paper’s anti-Israel agenda
January 30, 2014
Guardian whitewashes Nathan Filer’s support for pro-terror group, ISM
May 24, 2013
Harriet Sherwood revisits 2006 Gaza Beach Incident
February 27, 2013
CiF Watch complaint to PCC prompts Guardian to begrudgingly revise Rachel Corrie op-ed
January 8, 2013
The Guardian’s lethal narrative about snipers who murder innocent children.
December 19, 2012
A Guardian journalist conjures Israeli “snipers with children in their sights”
September 2, 2012
CiF reader: On Jews’ crimes against humanity AND the generous protuberance housing their nostrils
August 31, 2012
‘Comment is Free’ contributor claims International Solidarity Movement is “non-violent”.
August 30, 2012