The Guardian

July 15, 2018
British media pummel Israel with some of the most biased headlines since 2014

July 12, 2018
Guardian revives debunked smear that Ethiopian Israelis were given contraception against their will

July 4, 2018
Guardian cartoon of Abbas in an Israeli straitjacket illustrates the media’s failure to hold Palestinians responsible.

July 2, 2018
The Guardian channels its inner Jeremy Corbyn

June 28, 2018
Guardian fails to correct erroneous claim by J Street leader Jeremy Ben-Ami

June 26, 2018
UK media outlets ignore allegation that Hamas paid Gaza family to blame Israel for baby’s death

June 20, 2018
Guardian appears to reject IHRA Working Definition of Antisemitism

May 29, 2018
UKMW prompts Guardian to replace misleading photo accompanying article on UK arms sales to Israel

May 21, 2018