United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
August 20, 2013
Telegraph’s Mid-East reporter grossly inflates the number of Palestinian refugees
July 26, 2013
UNRWA Summer Camp: Planting the seeds of perpetual war against the Jews
April 19, 2013
Palestinian ‘refugees’, hypocrisy and unity: just follow the money
March 11, 2013
Another Guardian post lamenting that news of misogyny in Gaza deflects focus from Israel
March 7, 2013
The inevitable CiF essay using nixed Gaza marathon as fodder to demonize Israel
June 16, 2012
Guardian editor’s note to Live Gaza Blog: Palestinian ‘Refugees’ yesterday, today & forever
February 25, 2012
Zionist Floral-Washing? A CiF Watch critic’s query on ‘Israeli Occupied’ Palestinian flowers
February 20, 2012
Ali Abunimah makes UNRWA Spokesperson Chris Gunness “Giggle”
June 27, 2011