The Israel Security Agency’s report on terror attacks during August 2024 shows that throughout the month a total of 486 incidents took place in Judea & Samaria, Jerusalem and within the ‘green line’. The agency recorded 97 attacks with petrol bombs, 44 attacks using pipe bombs, two attacks using IEDs, 281 incidents of rock throwing, eighteen shooting attacks, 39 arson attacks, three stabbing attacks, one incident involving a car bomb and one attempted suicide bombing.

90 attacks were thwarted throughout the month (compared to 53 in July and 57 in June) and 321 terror related arrests were made.

In addition, 116 missiles were launched into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip and 1,307 missiles were launched from Lebanon or Syria throughout August. (The ISA report does not include casualties from attacks related to Operation Swords of Iron.)

Five people were killed and twenty-nine were injured in attacks in Judea & Samaria, Jerusalem and inside the ‘green line’ during August.

Two civilians – Rina Daniv, aged 66 and Avraham Somichi, aged 78 – were murdered and two injured in a stabbing attack in Holon on August 4th which received just 35 words of coverage in a BBC News website report on another topic:

“In a separate development on Sunday morning, two people were killed in a stabbing attack in the Israeli city of Holon. The attacker, a Palestinian from the occupied West Bank, was later “neutralised”, police said.”

An additional BBC report devoted a total of 30 words to that fatal terrorist attack, once again without identifying the victims:

“In a separate development on Sunday morning, two people were killed in a stabbing attack in the Israeli city of Holon. The Palestinian attacker was later shot dead, police said.”

On August 11th one civilian was murdered and another injured in a shooting attack on Route 90 in the Jordan Valley. Following comment from the president of NGO Monitor on social media, the BBC News website amended one of its reports to include a short account of the murder of 23-year-old Yonatan Deutsch – without identifying him –  but inaccurately stated that the attack had taken place “on Saturday” (August 10th):

“On Saturday, one Israeli was killed and another injured when Palestinian gunmen opened fire near the Israeli settlement of Mehola.

Later in the day, Hamas said it had carried out the attack in retaliation for the Israeli air strike which killed dozens of Palestinians sheltering in a school in Gaza City.”

The BBC has not reported that Hamas subsequently released footage of the attack.

A civilian security guard at an industrial estate near Kedumim – 38-year-old Gideon Periwas murdered on August 18th.  That attack was mentioned in a BBC News website report about a different incident:

“In a separate development on Sunday, an Israeli security guard was killed by a Palestinian man at an industrial area near the settlement of Kedumim, in the north of the occupied West Bank, Israeli authorities said.

Gideon Perry, a 38-year-old father of three, was fatally wounded when he was hit with a hammer by a labourer, who then stole his firearm and drove away.”

On August 31st a member of the security forces – Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, aged 20 – was killed during a counter-terrorism operation in Jenin. That incident was briefly mentioned days later – without identification of the soldier – in BBC reports on that operation.

On August 6th a female Border Police officer was injured in a stabbing attack at the Tunnels Checkpoint near Jerusalem which was described by the BBC’s Yolande Knell as follows:

“Tensions remain very high across the West Bank. In the south of the territory, a Palestinian was killed after allegedly stabbing an Israeli soldier in Beit Jala, at a main checkpoint on a road to Jerusalem.” [emphasis added]

One civilian was injured in a shooting attack in Qalqilya on August 12th which was not reported on the BBC News website despite the Hamas perpetrator having been released from prison in November 2023 as part of the deal for the release of hostages held by Hamas.

On August 18th one civilian was injured in an attempted suicide bombing in Tel Aviv. While the BBC News website reported the following day that the attack had been claimed by Hamas, it did not cover subsequent developments in that story.

On August 30th three members of the security forces were injured during incidents involving car bombs at a petrol station in Gush Etzion and at Karmei Tzur which were claimed by both Hamas and Fatah’s Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Those attacks were the topic of the following unhelpful portrayal found in a report by Lucy Williamson:

“Overnight, Israel’s army said there were two attempted attacks on settlements in the southern part of the West Bank.“

Not included in the ISA’s report is the decision to charge a Palestinian who murdered an Israeli prison guard in July with terrorism offences. BBC audiences have seen no coverage of that story.

During the first eight months of 2024, the BBC News website reported 0.38% of the terror attacks which took place and 55% of the resulting fatalities. BBC News website audiences did not see any stand-alone coverage of the attacks in which five people were killed in August and only one of the victims was named.

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1 Comment

  1. says: Grimey

    The new Trades Union government in the UK is clearly anti-Israel and will do nothing to reign in the pro-Islam policies being propounded by the IPB (aka BBC).

    Its withdrawal of thirty UK arms sales licences is a typical example of its obedience to the “Muslim vote” and is the reason for my comment begging Jews not to vote Labour in the last election (but Camera did not publish that comment).

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