This is a guest post by Margie in Tel Aviv
Jimmy Carter seems to be defined more by what is lacking in him than by what he presents. I have always thought that his photograph was that of a boy who had aged without going through a period of maturity. Remarkably his book, Palestine Peace not Apartheid lacks mention of the Holocaust – one of the most prominent historical features of the twentieth century and a central factor influencing developments in the Middle East.
In his recent article in the Guardian (when I could bring myself to read it), I was surprised that he was coy about revealing the name attached to a UNHRC report, “The UN general assembly approved a report issued by its human rights council that called on Israel and the Palestinians to investigate charges of war crimes during the recent Gaza war, but positive responses seem unlikely.” Why didn’t he mention that this was the Goldstone Report, a name that would make it instantly identifiable to anyone reading the article?
His article also revealed the fact that for him the conflict in Gaza lacked context. It was Israel destroying buildings that others had invested a lot of money in that concerned him. Why Israel did that is not relevant to his purpose.
The strangest note of all was struck by a sentence in the concluding paragraph
“Without ascribing blame to any of the disputing parties”
Consider that this man wrote a notorious book not so long ago describing Israel as an Apartheid regime and start wondering why this change happened. The answer was revealed to us within a week of publication of the article in a two-part serial in the first of which he made kissykissy noises to the Jewish community in an open letter to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
All was revealed in the next episode when we heard that his thirty-four year old grandson is considering running for public office. Grandpa was cleaning up his image to pave the way for the next generation proving for us once more that the old peanut vendor’s judgement is worth nothing. If grandson is like grandfather the voters would be wise to keep away.
The drama being played out before them didn’t bother the Bigots’ Brigade one whit though. They responded with their usual enthusiastic hatred well to the fore on hearing the name of Israel.
He has a battery of fans in the Bigots’ Brigade who manage to remain as ignorant as Carter himself. This first one still believes that the battle of Jenin was a ‘massacre’
19 Dec 2009, 9:01AM
I have discussed ways to assist the citizens of Gaza with a number of Arab and European leaders and their common response is that the Israeli blockade makes any assistance impossible.
During one of the usual Israeli blockade after Jenin massacre, truck loads of AlMarai milk for the Gaza residents from SaudiArabia were turned back from Israeli check point because the quality wasn’t good enough. Israel will never find a partner for peace with Palestinians which is nothing but an excuse for illegal occupation. It’s high time for bold action but a great expectation, given the fact that the petty politicians are complete sellout to zionist handout. A bold statesman is the need of the hour. Thanks for the nice article
The myths continue flowing. Bass can always be relied on to provide one
19 Dec 2009, 10:02AM
The Palestinians in Gaza have elected a party of religious zealots
Racists like Lieberman and Netenyahu you mean?
who do not want peace and will never settle for peace from the Israeli’s.
Yet it’s the Israeli’s who are killing thousands of civilians. Israel kills with impunity and you pop up saying the Palestinians don’t want peace. That makes sense only if your beliefs triumph over reality which is clearly the case here.
This is clear and absolute.
To you, and Netenyahu and Leiberman, because you believe it to be so and as you’ve shown, reality cannot be allowed to intrude.
Therefore, they must live with the consequences of electing said officials.
Translation: Therefore it’s ok for the side I believe in to kill and maim any number of Palestinians in the full knowledge it will not be the responsibility of my side in any way, it will be the fault of the person I’ve just shot.
It’d take more than Jimmy Carter to penetrate concrete this thick. The very first post says it all @adamitinerant, Israel doesn’t want peace. It wants land and doesn’t care one iota how it gets it. In fact from the perspective of the racists in charge, the more death, the less problems later on.
Thousands of civilian deaths Bass? Don’t know much arithmetic do you?
Here’s a hero who doesn’t know much about the Middle East but doesn’t let it worry him. What he doesn’t know he makes up and if it seems a bit weak he just adds something he might have heard about somewhere in the world but isn’t sure where.
19 Dec 2009, 4:08PM
you’re quite flannery, it was a big mistake for the Palestinians to aggree to any Jewish immigration, and an even bigger mistake to trust them when they promised to employ them and compensate them when they allowed zionists to run their farms
What’s an antisemitic comment thread worth without moron’s contribution – true or not, apt or not, relevant or not
19 Dec 2009, 10:49AM
Israel doesn’t want security as much as it wants someone else’s land
Here’s a nice one: a prime idiot who doesn’t know that Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians but imagines they want to take it over.
19 Dec 2009, 11:39AM
Excellent proposals from Mr. Carter, but unfortunately Gaza is not a priority for our or any other terrorist friendly government.
What with its prime beach front and off shore gas reserves Gaza is set to become Israeli property.
Here’s a surprise: after thousands of posts, telling people that they are stupid and idiots and making things up, we find that Papalagi doesn’t realise that the barrier protects Israel in the Westbank and not Gaza!
19 Dec 2009, 12:28PM
Israel was afraid of Obama during the campaign. More than any other recent American leader, Obama had shown understanding for the Palestinians. The pressure to change that begun early. Obama still made a speech in Cairo which aroused expectations. But meanwhile Obama gave up completely the idea of promoting justice and peace and of garanteeing basic human rights of the Palestinians. Obama has been neutralized completely. The “Israel lobby” was successful, they stoped the nomination (?) of some people who might be critical of Israel. Rahm Emanuel and others seem to be able to garantee conformity to the Likud agressive line.
Like with their nuclear weapons which Israel can keep under the condition that they refuse to recognize having them even if everybody know that Israel has stockpiles of nuclear weapons, Israel can keep the occupation, and the oppression of the Palestinians if they pretend to have good will and to want to negotiate peace, even if we know that this is not the case.
Lieberman has admited that this is a game for Israel: Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Thursday evening, stressing that the most recent overture was a tactical and temporary move. (…) “Like in soccer, you make tactical moves sometimes. It is clear to everyone that in ten months, we will be building again full force; anyone who understands anything knows this.” (from the Jerusalem Post).
The situation of the people in Gaza is terrible. Israel destroyed everything, killed people, instituted a reign of terror against Gazans. American submissiveness and cumplicity is shocking, European passivity is scandalous, Israeli callouness, violence and inhumanity towards the Palestinians, the impunity that they demand, their lack of a moral orientation concening the Palestinians is incredible.
A link about Gaza (the text above is my own text, not the text of the link bellow: Illegal wall exacerbates disaster for Gazans
For a finale, there is someone who like Carter doesn’t need facts and manages to connect Gaza with a concentration camp in the snidest fashion – but in keeping with all the other geniuses I’ve discussed, has not a smidgeon of proof to hang it on.
19 Dec 2009, 1:44PM
Israel has no intention of letting Gaza be rebuilt. They, with the acquiescence of the west in general and the United States in particular, are going to let 1.5 million Palestinians suffer indefinitely under increasingly miserable conditions. Wonder what happened to the “Arbeit Macht Frei” sign that disappeared from Auschwitz? The Israelis are going to erect it over the Karni Crossing.
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Get Carter
This is a guest post by Margie in Tel Aviv
Jimmy Carter seems to be defined more by what is lacking in him than by what he presents. I have always thought that his photograph was that of a boy who had aged without going through a period of maturity. Remarkably his book, Palestine Peace not Apartheid lacks mention of the Holocaust – one of the most prominent historical features of the twentieth century and a central factor influencing developments in the Middle East.
In his recent article in the Guardian (when I could bring myself to read it), I was surprised that he was coy about revealing the name attached to a UNHRC report, “The UN general assembly approved a report issued by its human rights council that called on Israel and the Palestinians to investigate charges of war crimes during the recent Gaza war, but positive responses seem unlikely.” Why didn’t he mention that this was the Goldstone Report, a name that would make it instantly identifiable to anyone reading the article?
His article also revealed the fact that for him the conflict in Gaza lacked context. It was Israel destroying buildings that others had invested a lot of money in that concerned him. Why Israel did that is not relevant to his purpose.
The strangest note of all was struck by a sentence in the concluding paragraph
Consider that this man wrote a notorious book not so long ago describing Israel as an Apartheid regime and start wondering why this change happened. The answer was revealed to us within a week of publication of the article in a two-part serial in the first of which he made kissykissy noises to the Jewish community in an open letter to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency.
All was revealed in the next episode when we heard that his thirty-four year old grandson is considering running for public office. Grandpa was cleaning up his image to pave the way for the next generation proving for us once more that the old peanut vendor’s judgement is worth nothing. If grandson is like grandfather the voters would be wise to keep away.
The drama being played out before them didn’t bother the Bigots’ Brigade one whit though. They responded with their usual enthusiastic hatred well to the fore on hearing the name of Israel.
He has a battery of fans in the Bigots’ Brigade who manage to remain as ignorant as Carter himself. This first one still believes that the battle of Jenin was a ‘massacre’
The myths continue flowing. Bass can always be relied on to provide one
Thousands of civilian deaths Bass? Don’t know much arithmetic do you?
Here’s a hero who doesn’t know much about the Middle East but doesn’t let it worry him. What he doesn’t know he makes up and if it seems a bit weak he just adds something he might have heard about somewhere in the world but isn’t sure where.
What’s an antisemitic comment thread worth without moron’s contribution – true or not, apt or not, relevant or not
Here’s a nice one: a prime idiot who doesn’t know that Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians but imagines they want to take it over.
Here’s a surprise: after thousands of posts, telling people that they are stupid and idiots and making things up, we find that Papalagi doesn’t realise that the barrier protects Israel in the Westbank and not Gaza!
For a finale, there is someone who like Carter doesn’t need facts and manages to connect Gaza with a concentration camp in the snidest fashion – but in keeping with all the other geniuses I’ve discussed, has not a smidgeon of proof to hang it on.
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