Why was this deleted?

From the Abe Hayeem thread today:


TheShermanator is a reasoned and intelligent debater who, to the best of my knowledge, has never engaged in ad hominem attacks or other insulting behaviour on CiF. This comment was no exception. Why, then, was it deleted?
It states facts, albeit facts which may be unpalatable to moderators with a pro-Islamist and anti-Israel bias. TheShermanator is talking about a very real concern of Israelis given the tendency of certain Islamic groups to insist when their numbers reach critical mass they will try to impose Sharia on their neighbours and to insist that extra allowances be made for them. We see this in the UK and Europe. There is no reason to believe that the situation would be any different in Israel.
In other words, TheShermanator is describing concerns about a one state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict which will happen by stealth rather than open warfare, unless steps are taken to prevent it, and will result in the demise of Israel’s Jewish identity.
And, CiF being CiF and allergic to giving column inches to Israeli/Jewish concerns, however well-founded and however calmly expressed, reacts by trying to obliterate discussion once again.

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