What the Guardian’s American columnists won’t report (American Imam: “Rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism”

Via The Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT)

Dozens of people gathered in Washington’s DuPont Circle Friday morning [Sept 3] for the “Annual Al-Quds Day Rally for Justice in Palestine and the Oppressed Everywhere.

The Quds Day rally in Washington has become a gathering of the fringe of the fringe of rabidly anti-Israel demonstrators. Speakers included Medea Benjamin of Code Pink and two people who have espoused radical conspiracy theories at the Islamic Society of North America’s (ISNA) annual conferences.

As Palestinian and Israeli leaders meet in peace negotiations just a few miles away, the speakers called for a rejectionist line on Israel.

“The time has come that we must stir up our ‘religious leaders’ in this country to speak the truth about Israel,” said Kaukab Siddiqi. “They must put their hands on the Quran and say that they do not recognize Israel as a legitimate entity. If they cannot do that, they must be branded as kaffirs [infidels]. It’s as simple as that. Because the Quran says – drive them out from where they drove you out.”

Here are snapshots of an IPT video of the Al-Quds Rally in Washington DC, Sept 3:

See video and rests of the essay, here.

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