‘Freedom Flotilla 2’ – Staying Pointless.

As the erudite JE Dyer recently observed, the withdrawal last week of the Mavi Marmara from the so-called ‘Freedom Flotilla 2’ means that we are left with a largely North American and European project: a collection of far-Left Westerners volunteering their services to Hamas and its support network in order to try to enable unfettered access to Gaza for weapons sent by a totalitarian, theocratic state with the aim of destroying a liberal, democratic one by means of one of its religiously fanatical proxies. One might think that it doesn’t get much more surreal than that, but it does.   

The American boat in the upcoming flotilla – named ‘The Audacity of Hope‘  – will be carrying a cargo of letters from US citizens to the people in Gaza, some of which have already been sent to Gaza by e-mail so that a display can be made. A press release sent out by the organisers of the US boat to Gaza puts paid to any illusions the general public may still have about these flotillas having anything to do with humanitarian aid.

“In addition to 36 passengers, 4 crew, and 10 members of the press, our boat will carry thousands of letters of support and friendship from people throughout the U.S. to the women, children and men of Gaza. There will be no weapons of any sort on board. We will carry no goods of any kind for delivery in Gaza.” (emphasis added)

Among the boat’s human cargo will be journalists from CNN and CBS News, along with two far-Left Israeli activists with whom CiF Watch readers are already familiar: Joseph Dana will be aboard reporting for ‘The Nation’ as well as Al Jazeera Stream and 972 magazine, and occasional ‘Comment is Free’ contributor Mya Guarnieri will be representing the Palestinian news agency Ma’an. Given the records of both these ‘journavists‘ and their clear and pre-stated political bias on the subject of the flotilla and its aims, we can presumably look forward to unlimited one-sided multi-media reporting on their parts.

Besides the United States, other countries represented in the flotilla appear to be Canada, with a boat called “Tahrir” also carrying activists from Australia, Denmark and Belgium, Spain, Italy, Ireland and Greece. There will be a joint Swedish/Norwegian contingent, a Swiss/German one and possibly one or two French boats. Presumably, Turkish and British activists who had been scheduled to sail on the Mavi Marmara will now be joining these other boats.

These flotillas have from the very beginning been what Chas Newkey-Burden recently described as “a vacuous project”. They never brought any significant aid to the people of Gaza or contributed to making their lives better. Their entire aim has been high-profile anti-Israel agitprop with the goal of breaking a legal naval blockade put in place to prevent the escalation of armed conflict in the region – conflict which would bring further suffering to people on both sides.

In fact the only things that ‘Free Gaza’, ‘The European Campaign to End the Siege on Gaza and their various associates have achieved is some high-profile publicity for various waning celebs, self-serving smugness on the part of their ‘progressive’ supporters and a rise in the respective carbon footprints of the various members of the flotilla’s steering committee who, in the past year, have been jetting between Athens, Paris, Madrid and Strasbourg, among other places, for meetings.

Apparently, later this week and next we will once more be obliged to watch as Israeli soldiers are put needlessly in danger by self-righteous Westerners with extremist political agendas on a mission bound yet again for failure. We will also no doubt be treated to the usual inane squeals of ‘progressive’ indignation from ‘the world’s leading liberal voice‘ and dramatic descriptions of inhumane Israeli actions from the spoiled children of the extreme Left such as Guarnieri, and Dana – who is already speculating on his Twitter-feed about being ‘tazed’ and bragging about wearing “a full press flak jacket and helmet”.

And for what? None of this floating circus will of course do anything to bring peace in the Middle East even one step closer. None of these ‘human rights activists’ seems to have uttered a word on the subject of Gilad Shalit who will be commencing his sixth year of imprisonment by Hamas with no Red Cross visits and total denial of all his human rights on the very weekend that these ships of fools will set sail. None of them will be bringing him his first letters from his family after sixty months of incarceration. Instead, they chose to support his captors – human rights violators of the first order, as the ordinary people of Gaza know only too well.

Members of the general public can, however, make their opinions of this useless exercise known to its participants via their social media sites.

Canadian boat – “Tahrir” – Twitter, Facebook.

US boat –”The Audacity of Hope” – Twitter , Facebook.

Spanish boat – Twitter , Facebook

Italian boat – “Stefano Chiarini” – Twitter , Facebook   

Swedish boat – Facebook

Irish boat – “MV Saoirse” – Twitter

Swiss boat – Twitter

Greek boat – Twitter  , Facebook

French boat – apparently not versed in social media!   

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