Anti-Zionist blog attacks CiF Watch and defends racist depiction of Obama by Carlos Latuff

A post at the anti-Zionist (and often unintentionally hilarious) blog, Dessert Peace, took exception with my post from Aug. 3, The Guardian’s Martin Rowson uses slave imagery in cartoon about Obama a budget deal.”

Our post called out Guardian cartoonist Martin Rowson on a depiction of President Obama which included a chain tied around his neck, being pulled by white Republicans, which suggested either that the black President is acting like a slave by making political concessions to his political opponents or that Republican activists are treating America’s first black President as a slave.

We then noted that even more explicit slave imagery in depictions of Obama have been employed by extreme anti-Semitic political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff.

The post, which is anonymously published at Desert Peace, titled, “Does Refusing To Kiss Obama’s Black Ass Make Me A Racist?”, begins:

“According to one of Britain’s zionist watch dogs, yes. A site called CIF Watch (monitoring and exposing antisemitism on the Guardian newspaper’s ‘Comment is Free Blog)  has determined that myself and Carlos Latuff are not only antisemites, we are racists as well.”

They then quote from my post, where I noted, “the…narrative [that Obama is acting like a slave in concessions he’s made to his opponents] has been advanced quite explicitly by the extreme left political cartoonist, Carlos Latuff. Either way, the viciousness and gross racial insensitivity of such imagery is simply undeniable.”

The blogger at Desert Peace then notes:

Pretty amusing when a zionist  (who is a racist by definition) calls full-time anti racists ‘vicious and grossly racially insensitive’ [emphasis mine]

So, just to be clear, here’s the cartoon that Carlos – the full-time anti racist – Latuff published:

Then, below the line, Latuff himself chimed in:

Yup. That’s anti-racism for you.  

If a right-wing troll wanted to invent a blog to discredit the extreme left, it would likely look a lot like Desert Peace.

(Final note: Included in Desert Peace’s recommended links is the Guardian.)

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