Guardian’s Julian Borger responds to CiF Watch, acknowledges error about genocide convention

Yesterday, I pointed out an error by the Guardian’s diplomatic editor Julian Borger, in a post he published on the recent U.S. presidential debate titled Fact-checking the final presidential debate’, Oct. 23.

Among the statements by the candidates checked for accuracy was the following claim by Romney, which Borger claimed was not correct.

I noted in my post that, contrary to what Borger wrote about “incitement to Genocide”, Article III of the ‘Convention on Genocide‘, adopted by United Nations General Assembly in 1948, does in fact include, as a punishable crime, “Direct and public incitement to commit genocide“.

Shortly after our post, we Tweeted Borger, alerting him to the error.

This morning, we received this reply.


While we’ll monitor the post to make sure it’s indeed corrected by Guardian editors, Mr. Borger should be commended for responding promptly, and positively, to our post and Tweet alerting him about the mistake.

UPDATE: Borger’s piece has been corrected, and the error officially acknowledged.

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