What the Guardian won’t report: Israelis who ‘turn swords into plowshares’.

The Guardian’s fetishization of Palestinian culture is indicative of an ideologically biased narrative which continually colors their coverage of the region .  As we’ve demonstrated repeatedly, their reporters’ capacity to bury, ignore, or downplay overwhelming evidence of a culture which nurtures antisemitism, and celebrates terrorism (including suicide bombing) against Israeli civilians, has few limits.  Conversely, characterizations of Palestinian Arabs as non-violent, abound.

A perfect illustration of this dynamic is the following photo story on Oct. 3:


It should be noted that the weekly protests in Bil’in mentioned in the strap line are actually quite violent, typically involving Palestinians throwing rocks and metal objects, as well as firebombs, at Israeli security forces. Over the past several years more than 200 Israeli security personnel have been injured by Palestinian rioters in Bil’in.

But, no matter. The Guardian had a story of Palestinian “non-violent” resistance to tell, and so photojournalist Atef Safadi let loose and published nine images of Palestinians using tear gas canisters – fired by Israeli troops to control the violence – as pots to plant flowers. Here’s one of the Guardian photos:

A palestinian woman waters the plants

Tear gas – one of the non-lethal riot control methods employed by Israel security personnel when confronted with rocks and incendiary devices – stands in stark contrast to the deadly projectiles preferred by Palestinians terror groups over the past decade. Indeed, Over 12,000 rockets have been fired at Israeli towns since 2001, endangering the lives of innocent civilians and traumatizing many more. 

However, In the Israeli town of Yated (a moshav in Hevel Shalom), a very short distance from Israel’s border with Gaza, metal sculptor, blacksmith and part-time teacher Yaron Bob found a way of truly turning rockets into roses, “swords into plowshares”. He turns Kassam rockets, fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, into hand-sculpted flowers.  Here’s Bob with a few of his creations:

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Each rose takes 3 to 4 hours to sculpt. According to Bob:

The stem is welded onto a metal base shaped as the map of Israel, with the rose “growing” from the very place where most of the rockets landed. A plaque mounted on the base indicates the month and year that particular rocket landed.

I find it fascinating to make a work of art from a piece of metal. It is powerfully meaningful when a missile that is used for killing is turned into a sign of beauty, growth and prosperity.

Of course, this is merely one example of Israeli resilience in the face of constant terror that the Guardian won’t report.

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