Comparing BBC coverage of Arafat ‘poisoned’ vs ‘not poisoned’ stories

As readers no doubt recall, in the forty-eight hours between November 6th and 8th the BBC News website featured thirteen different items on the subject of the publication of the Swiss report which was interpreted as supporting the theory that Yasser Arafat died as a result of poisoning.

“To sum up, in a period of less than 48 hours the BBC News website promoted thirteen different reports (shown below) on the subject of the publication of the Swiss findings and related subject matter, with nine of those items amplifying conspiracy theories concerning Israel’s involvement in Arafat’s death.” 

website 6 to 8 11

It is therefore interesting to compare that volume of coverage with the number of reports appearing on the same website between December 3rd and 5th concerning another report on the same subject which apparently concludes that Arafat died of natural causes.

BBC News web Dec 3 to 5

The two reports – one written (which has undergone numerous changes since its initial publication) and one filmed – both include repetition of Palestinian conspiracy theories which accuse Israel of being responsible for Arafat’s death.

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