Indy journo Mira Bar-Hillel Tweets about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

To get up to speed on Mira Bar-Hillel – a journalist who contributes to the ‘progressive’ British newspaper, The Independent, and whose sage insight about Israel was recently solicited by The BBC and Sky News – and her well-documented antisemitism, read this and this.
After doing so, you can now better understand the following Tweets by Bar-Hillel.
It started with this Tweet from someone named Emma Isitt, “quoting” a fictitious Israeli who evidently ‘confirmed’ that antisemites have been right all along.
Spoiler: even antisemitic extremists know that this quote is a Pakistani hoax.
Then the Twitter exchange:
“Hoax or not”, says the Indy columnist, “the message is entirely true, and increasingly so”.
Here are the next series of exchanges:
Does Bar-Hillel believe in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
“Look at the facts”, replied the Indy columnist, “and you will too”.
More Tweeters attempt to determine if the Indy columnist really is defending the Protocols.
Is she only joking?
So, to recap: Bar-Hillel believes that “the message” of Jews controlling America is “entirely true” and “increasingly so”, and that Jewish lobbyists appear to be picking up some of the ideas from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and using them.
Thanks for clarifying that for us, Mira.

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